British Mini Fair Bingley Hall Report


Staff member
Well that was a pretty eventful day.

I woke at 6:30am to make sure my son was awake, he was working today. Looked out the window & it was white over, not to be disheartened I promptly went back to bed. Got up a while later & it wasn't much better but the sun was shining brightly, so I thought what the hell. Texted Simon & Steve just to make sure they were still going & unwrapped the buggy, I had so  many clothes on the seat belt only just fitted (that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it). Set off down the estate & had to fight it to keep going straight, I thought my tracking wasn't far out but after a few hundred yards I wasn't sure. As I started to leave the village the road was just like a sheet of ice, the buggy was twitching going on the power, twitching coming off the power & this was around 25mph, daren't touch the brakes. By the time I got to the by-pass things were looking better & the speed dramatically increased, but something was wrong.

I could feel something wasn't right also as I slowed down I could hear a scrape, scrape, scrape on each wheel rotation. I stopped & there is definitely play in the OS wheel. I didn't want to chance it so with only 10 miles under my belt I returned home, back down the same icey road, still twitching, but if the bearing has gone then there will be an element of self steering. So I got home covered it up, disrobed most of the layers & jumped in the car.

Simon rang on the way down to say he hadn't got to the rendezvous point but by which time I was going another route. I ended up at Bingley around 11:15, so went to the main gates & waited, the skies turned darker, I waited & the skies turned darker, I waited & the skies turned darker. Then it started, sleet then snow & covered the floor in a matter of minutes

Then out of the darkness the 2 buggies emerged, with the 3 occupants looking quite cold, I'll let them tell you there story.

The show itself was a typical Mini one, very busy lots of people looking, but no bargains, I saw things there that I've seen cheaper on ebay.

But the company was good & I enjoyed it.

I set back off around 3:30 whilst they were wrapping up, not heard from them so unsure if they made it home :)



New member
Well, we (Danny and I) made it back OK, we took a longer route, damm sat Nav, and used only motorways (M6, M5, M42 and M40)  And apart for the gritting lorrys the journey back was ok but a little chilly....  Not sure is Danny has thawed out yet he looked like an Icicle by the time we got to my house, I just had cold toes and nose as I had to use my helmet after 5:30 because it was too dark to see through my ski goggles...  But the helmet was much colder and steamed up too easily, goggles rule......

The journey there was OK too, had lowered my idle to prevent my run on, but it just means that the car stalls at every junction so will need to increase it again.

We left late and arrived late, sorry Steve for making you wait.



New member
Also made it back safe and sound. Got home around 5pm. Came home via M6 then A roads. Traffic was at a crawl on the M6 between Junction 13 and Junction 9. As usual when you get to the bit that is clear, you wonder what was the hold up.
As Alan mentioned, this morning was slightly cold and there was the occasional snow BLIZZARD. However with 17 layers of clothes a couple of pairs of gloves and 4 hats. I did not feel the cold other than the end of my nose.
I must admit that while I was waiting for Simon and Danny, I was happy that it had snowed, there was a very quiet, very white road which was calling my name. So I just had to reply and go up and down this road a few times. (I really do like getting the back end to kick out).
After meeting up with Simon and Danny, we did run in to that snow shower that Alan mentioned, and it did make me think that I had a perfectly good car at home, which also had a perfectly good heater. WHY was I driving the Buggy in January in this temp'.
Then it came to me. Because it is so much fun.
The show was a usual Mini show, did get a couple of bits I needed. But good to meet up and a have chat with good people.
Good to hear some of Danny's stories. Especially the one about the missing dead birds and the stoned Koala bear.


Soooooooooooooo COLLLLLLD!!!!!!!!!

I have never in all my years of driving a buggy have I been that cold!!

I got my sister to pick me up from bedford and drive me to simons my mother had made me a pack lunch fit for a king (thanks mum)

Get to simons around 08:20 have a Tea and chat leave around 09:30!

Was good drive cold but bearable .... just headed to a petrols station for ATM and a warm cup of Tea! I kept eyeing up the toaster thinking it would warm my hands up lovely....

Met up with steve and carried on the drive to teh show! Saw alan waiting not looking cold at all!

I by this point was wondering why these were called funbuggies and contemplating flying to spain!

The show itself was pretty bland.... good but still I was cold! I found walking abit of a pain so took it easy and popped a few moore pills.

Had a good laugh with the other 3 normally at my expense but wouldn't be the same if it wasn't!

The drive home was aweful, I was hurting a bit and I was freezing cold I mean absolute frozen to the core!!!

I got to simons and just couldnt move and thankfully I managed to locate teh front door and stagger inside where a cup of raging hot Tea was given to me (thanks!!)

Cheers to simon for giving me a ride really did enjoy it just need to be warmer next time!

I am not leaving teh house tomorrow need a day of rest! Cheers alan for the gearbox thingy!

Right off to get into a warm bed

