Minimum facilities?


New member
Despite a long-standing general interest in them, I've never yet built a kit car. But I'm very tempted by a Freestyle - it looks like fun and seems to be a good place to start out with building cars, too.

But right now, I'm living in a second-storey flat, with our (unpowered) single garage being a short walk down the road.

What would you say is the minimum you can get away with when it comes to building a Freestyle? A double garage with all power tools imaginable would of course be nice, but what do you really NEED? Is it so easy you could do it in a shed, or complex enough that I should shelve the idea until we move home next year to somewhere (hopefully) better-equipped?

I suppose the extra year would mean more engine choice, so it's not all bad either way..


New member
Single garage is fine for space, though more would certainly be better. Once the subframe is in the car is really short and can fit in a very small space. Once the suspension is on both ends it can be wheeled outside to work on it, if the weather is OK.

Power tools are useful, but a good cordless drill is OK for the job. Biggest problem would be the lack of an angrygrinder when stripping down a donor.


New member
Hmm... maybe I can find a little generator for the occasional power tool :)

I shall have to do some measuring and see what the garage can fit.



New member
I built mine in the back garden as i don't have a garage and it lives in the garden if you've seen what the buggie's can do and the amount of mud and water we go through down ere in zomerset (on the promotional dvd and my website) and it's built with all precautions against corrosion taken as mine was ,it makes no difference. But if you have a garage even better! as for generators Focus DiY had 2 different ones in our local store the other week the smaller was about £60 the other i can't remember but take a look in your local focus! or have a look at ... ional.html they have one that should be about right for around £130 all the best



New member
I have indeed seen what the buggies can do, that's why I want one ;)

I've already talked my other half into joining me to a trip to Newark in a few months time, hopefully when she's seen them firsthand she'll agree to let me clear all the junk out of the garage and put it to use for actually storing a car in :)

There's a focus nearby, I'll try and wander in if/when I get a minute. Cheers!


Staff member
Is Stoneleigh Warwickshire about 10 miles south of Coventry any easier to get to? There should be 4 or 5 Buggies there on the 6th or 7th May. Hopefully mine will be one of them :D



New member
Stoneleigh WOULD be easier to get to, and probably more interesting too.

But the Newark show has the advantage of the side attractions such as the craft fair (for the other half) and a steam show (for her dad) that meant it was an easier sell :)

I'll work on it ;)