santa pod

it's a bit early i know, but is anyone going to mini in the park (at santa pod) this year. it is on sunday 19 august. i wont be trying my buggy on the strip but i am def going in the buggy to the event. wife will be 30 weeks preg by then and doesn't fancy the journey or camping, therefore will be going on my own. would be good to meet up with some of you and put faces to names. i am going down the night before and camping. will have an empty passenger seat so will prob fill it with a couple of crates of beer.( still in training to join the muddy buggies sinc drinking team). i'm sure dave will be there drumming up business but it would be grate to meet a few others.

message for dave: last year i turned down the challenge of the "funnel of death". but this time, this time i'm well up for it. ( mainly as the wife wont be with me). i video'd a young lad atempting the funnel last year at mini in the park. lets just say he went a very funny colour and quietly walked off. very funny.

high light of last year was probably seeing dave screwing the buggy round the auto test track, he did really well and beat most of the mins. he then unfortunately got beat by a sprog reving the nuts of a rover 214.

anyway rambelling, just finished 14 hour shift, got home had a round of toast and three cans of boddingtons. i'm anneebreate-ated ( drunk) all the breast. hope some of you can attend. :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
esdebe, write it on the calender in big black letters so big that it fills the whole day. thats wot i have done. lol

if any of you are going, do you think you'll camp the night before. reason i ask is that you have to get advance tickets for camping.


New member
I'll not be camping. If I'm allowed out on the Sunday then SHMBO will have other plans for the Saturday.


Staff member
Anyone know what the facilities are like at Santa Pod, don't do pissing in bucket camping, need showers & proper toilets. If they are, then may come down Saturady & stay over. Gert is threatening to come along as well, but not in Buggy, she'll come down in her own car. Maybe we could have a drag race on the strip, me in the 1275 Buggy her in the MR2 Turbo, reckon I have a chance?

just been on mini in the park website, doesn't mention porter loos. i foned the number and the company running the event said they hold 7 shows there in a year. she said there is perminent shower cubicals and toilets on site and more will be contracted in ( them trailer things which some people find funny to loosen the legs on so that the whole thing tips when you are half way through a good shi..... ) any way she said it was good facilities. the site also says there will be a giant outdoor cinema on the sat night ( italian job me thinks) a disco and hot and cold running beer.

i've pre booked my ticket for camping, saved about £4 on the gate price. hope to see some of you there.

i'm traveling down from abergele (near sunny rhyl) north wales so will be probably setting off on the wednesday. lol. i hope to have enough space on board for camping stuff after i pack all the tools and beer i think i am going to need.

has anyone ever put a tow ball on a buggy? i could bring more beer then. :wink: