Access to a lathe


Staff member
Anyone got access to a lathe? I need a couple spacers making, nothing complicated, I'll supply a rough drawing, basically 2off 30mm diameter tube with an 8mm clearance hole through the middle about 30mm long, but will confirm it all


Well-known member
Alan, my kit came with some rubbish mild steel crush tubes, I could see these going rusty and binding fairly quickly. I had some made in stainless, the machine shops usually advertise on ebay. Have a chat to Vic, if you can't see the size you want drop him a line.

I designed a radial mount for my eise calipers to fit the sierra hubs, sent the .STL file to this chap who produced it on his mill and posted out really quickly. ... 3228694398

Tube bending service ... 3207069952

I also have a chap who produces 3D parts printed, all found through ebay.


Staff member
Thanks Chris, that's brilliant, always thought there must be a need for such services, but finding them is very difficult.