Bit of a drag..... trailers anyone?


Now that my buggy is on the road and going very reliably, from time to time I'm finding the need to carry more than I can easily fit in/on it.... I'm in the process of making a stowage rack/tray roughly the size of a bread basket/tray (-like the plastic ones that sliced loaves are delivered to shops in....). I'm going to mount this above the engine.
But I was wondering what sort of weight limit, reguarding size of trailer, that could be towed behind a Freestyle or Blitz2, my Blitz2 is certainly powerful enough to tow as it has a 1275 engine (stage 1), anyone have any ideas on payloads? I weighed my Blitz2 at local weighbridge the other day and with 15ltrs of fuel on board + me, it came 620kg, and I probably make up 95-100kg of that....


Staff member
First the legal bit then the practical

Legally I don't think you can tow a trailer with your buggy, when it was SVA'd there was a question on there about towing, train weights etc. So unless that was completed then you can't tow, also assuming the buggy was SVA'd after 1st August 1998 which again it must have been then the towbar must be certified to Type Approval Law 94/20EC.

However saying all that it's your call, but personally I think that it can be ignored, I cannot see you being pulled by the Police or VOSA for towing, but you do need to be aware of it.

Now the practical side, obviously to start you need a towbar/ball fitting to the Blitz, not familiar with the rear of a Blitz but I would suspect it wouldn't be too hard to fabricate one, if you drill the frame I would sleeve it so you can't crush the tube. Biggest issue with the Freestyle towing will be the extra heat it generates, again not sure this will be an issue with the Blitz as the cooling maybe somewhat better. Dave certainly pulled a folding caravan with his at some point in the past. When I had a Bugrat (1300 Skoda) I had a 300Kg trailer tent & it towed no problems.

Hope that's been of help.



Thanks Alan, mighty helpful...there seems plenty of room to fabricate a tow bar on a Blitz2 as the subframe is more recessed than on a Freestyle, the size of trailer I was thinking of was, say a camping trailer, or maybe a trailer for carrying a motorcycle (or maybe two), and would say at the very most it'd be 350kg.


New member
Its not the size of the trailer, its how it effects the buggy.

Your mid mounted and trailer will make it behave in an intresting way.