CumbriaVAG - 9th June 2024


Active member
Bit of a delay in writing this so apologies, show was good, quite small but we still enjoyed it for a first proper outing in the buggy - it stayed fine - just!! forecast was bad and I think that stopped a few vehicles coming but it was good, not sure if it was really the right place for the buggy though as it was more about the paint finish and the like so probably not going to do that one again but overall it was a good day. I am hoping the Wheels Up North event is a better fit :)


Well-known member
Hi Rich, what no pics?

Great to have another adventure in the buggy, do you put super unleaded in?

Chris 😃


Active member
Ha ha well I spent most of the day talking to people and sticking my head under bonnets but hers a few shots :









Lots of cars at the show but it was mainly aimed at the VAG show and shine group, I am back at the same place again in July for the wheels up north event, where there will be kit cars, bikes and all sorts

As for super unleaded I have only just filled her up on that so will let you know how it goes, Im tweaking things at the moment - Ive just binned the Turbo gauge in favour of an oil pressure gauge as frankly its a damn site more use!


Well-known member
Buggy looks great Rich!

You went Q plate also, can get shot of that cat, no emissions test on MOT, just visual smoke.

Glad the sun was out.

The LED headlights look awesome mate, bet everyone was asking you where they can buy the kit, not knowing complete one off. 😃

Good to see her on the road again mate. Great Fun!

Chris 😃


Active member
Buggy looks great Rich!

You went Q plate also, can get shot of that cat, no emissions test on MOT, just visual smoke.

Glad the sun was out.

The LED headlights look awesome mate, bet everyone was asking you where they can buy the kit, not knowing complete one off. 😃

Good to see her on the road again mate. Great Fun!

Chris 😃
Hi Chris, cheers mate, yeah had lots of people asking where I got it from, I had a couple of QRCodes printed out that sent people to the website or the youtube channel, but some people took a lot of convincing !! ha ha - As for the Q plate I went Q plate as it was just easier to get that rather than trying to prove the age of the donor parts, but it hasnt made any diffrence to the MOT unfortunatly - the emissions are based on the age of the engine so 2001, the Cat is a smooth flow one so its just a stainless mesh inside. Yeah the LED lights are excellent the turn signal built in is a huge bonus!!


Staff member

Are the LED's 5 3/4" where did you get the backs from, I have a set but struggling to get the back at a decent cost, the ones I bought were horrible Chinesium ones & they sliced your fingers just taking them out of the wrapping



Active member
HI Alan, no they are 7" units, and I got the back bowls off of EBay I think - they are not bad but were end of line stuff if I remember correctly


Well-known member

Are the LED's 5 3/4" where did you get the backs from, I have a set but struggling to get the back at a decent cost, the ones I bought were horrible Chinesium ones & they sliced your fingers just taking them out of the wrapping


These are the ones that came with my kit, the Freestyle bowls are the smaller size.


Well-known member
Like Rich says, the orange halo doubles as the front indicator and the halo is the side light, DRL. Looks awesome on my Freestyle.