Engine Choice

I am stll in the planning stages at the moment. Is it a case of if an engine could fit in a mini subframe it will fit in a buggy or are there other things to consider?


Staff member
"greasemonkeyspannerman"":2y0xkvem said:
I am still in the planning stages at the moment and am just wandering if it is a case of if the engine will fit on a mini subframe it will fit in the buggy or are there other things you have to consider?.

That's the theory I'm using until Dave develops the interchangable subframe. The only thing I can see problems with any of these engines is, you are fixed as to where the driveshafts have to be i.e. in-line with the existing Mini suspension. I intend to chop the existing driveshafts (Mini) & weld them to the Fiesta (Swift, K-Series or whatever) engine I use. But that could l mean they interfere with the front crossmember of the subframe, in normal Mini this isn't a problem as you can either extend the front or just bend the frame out of the way. On the Buggy you don't have this option, you could move the whole engine & subframe backwards slightly but you then encounter problems with the angles downrails of the chassis. This is why the option of a K-Sieres out of a Metro which has it's own subframe is quite a good option, I however can't seem to get my hands on a 1.4 version in this area at the right price, plenty of 1.1's but they are a bit down on power, granted up on an A-Series but not quite enough.

Sorry i didnt mean to put this here it was meant to be in the engine section 3 or 4 magners and my hand/eye coordination has gone. nearly got engine but hit electrickery instead.
I apologise for making this very tidy forum messy and will go to bed and only return when i am not drunk in charge of a mouse.
How can i be 14stone and such a lightweight? i need more practise