First Start of 2008


New member
I've started a new string for this because:-

1. I suspect it will have a few entries (from me)

2. It's the 100th suject in this section.... (saddo)

Anyway... i said i'd start her up last week.. so gwtting round to it this week is quite good form me!

Attempt 1. I've lost the alarm fob for the garage alarm!

Rectification........ Turn house upside down (time 2 hours)

Attempt 2. Can't get choke out!

Recification......... Tie wrap on cable at carb.

Attempt 3. Turn key..... NOT A SAUSAGE! didn't even pull in solenoid

Recification......... Can't be arsed pulling front end off.Give up and go to


New member
I hope you cut the tie wrap on the choke, so the engine isn't completly flooded next time you come to it...


New member
Attempt 4.... Can't find 13mm socket ANYFUCKI*GWHERE!!!

Rectification... Scream ... alot... give up and go to pub... feel better now.... gonna try again tomorrow.


New member
This is it...

Today's the day....

Had to work all day yesterday hence no progress... but today.... as soon as it warms up a bit... I'm on the case.

Watch this space


New member
PLEASE NOTE:- Names of charatures in the following post have been changed to protect the innocent. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purly accidental, and the author bears no all!

So ... our hero found his 13mm socket and stripped the front end off his Funbuggy to get to flat battery which had been stopping his first run of the season for nearly a week now. It was pretty cold out, so why .. ermm ... Barry.. didn't put his overalls on will never be fully understood. But, he didn't, so when he nealt down in a slightly damp patch of old engine oil, the new jeans he had bought for last weekend's party were effectively rendered as rags. Our hero was not deterred though and succesfully exposed the offending battery.

The air was blue for a short while around the ... erm .... Liverpool... area, when Barry remembered that his jump leads were at his mates house. But still, an hour later our intrepid hero had recovered his leads and set about starting his Buggy... Leads connected to running car... Barry turns the ignition..............

Attempt 5.... NADA ... NOTHING ... NOT SO MUCH AS A FUC**NG CLICK!!!

What could be the cause of this horrific situation ... Could our hero dare to phone local BuggySuperGuru "Fearsom Phaeton The Flatulent Buggy Builder"?.. No, he'd work this out himself and cry joy from the rooftops at his spectacular victory.

(Now, you lot must be aware that I could easily lie, and tell you all about how Barry stuck a new engine in, and that now Dibble's all better.... but i respect you all too much.......... so I'll quietly confess that after almost quitting again and going back to the pub, I simply turned the master kill switch back on.... and ..... well.... and she started first time.)

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:


Staff member
Men of certain ages should not wear beige I've just wet myself :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



New member
Verry funny... While reading it I was just above your last sentence and I was finger poised ready to reply "have you tried turning the big red key"......



New member
Top quality posting, I've been reading with interest and eager anticipation as to when the buggy would fire up?
You should be writing amusing articles for magazines/papers and getting payed for it!
phaeton, i just got your avatar - "safe sex" - very funny!!!!! it took my 3 year old to point it out to me when she asked "wot sort of exercises thoes boxes doing?"


New member
easy tiger! i thought that price was for four,with tyres,turns out it was a single wheel!! might keep checking flea-bay/local pounds/police jobs etc. am no payin crazee money for wheels n tyres when theres loads that cud be modiflyed. :?