New member with a Freestyle


Hi All.

after quite a bit of searching for a freestyle I have finally got my hands on one!

I will start a build thread at some point but just wanted to say hi to you all as I am sure I will have loads of questions and queries as I do the build (rebuild) of the freestyle.

What section is best for asking questions on the forum?

Hi and thanks!



Staff member
Welcome Ross, place your questions wherever you wish in the appropriate section, we try to have a build thread & a discussion thread, only in an attempt to keep the build thread on track.

What's the history of your Freestyle, unfinished project, road registered etc.



Ok great I will start a build thread when I get some photos sorted and then the adventure can start!

Its an unfinished project (hasn't been road registered) that looks to have everything except for the fibreglass nose (which hopefully won't be too much of a pain to sort out but who knows!?)

I have got the build manual to hand so I will start by looking at that then go from there...........

I'm really looking forward to doing the build (rebuild!) making it a road legal model and just use it for weekends, good weather and the odd show/meet.



Staff member
The noses are like hen's teeth unless you can get somebody to lend you one for a fibreglasser to make a buck, they are truly the only unique part of the build, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, it wasn't the black one from Ipswich on FB was it?


I thought that would be the case about the nose! It will be a job further down the libe either try and make something up from another kit or see a fibreglasser to make something up for me I will see as the build comes along.

It was on Facebook marketplace advertised as a Blitz but I knew it was a freestyle from the frame and matching it to photos online so I was really pleased to have finally found one after a bit of a search.


Well-known member
This one?, looks ok.

Screenshot_20230821-212424369 (1).jpg

Interesting it has the dash tube welded as standard, mine didn't have anything.

Will make a nice project and has got a pedal box. Kind of a kit nobody else has done much too and stored well.

Good luck with the build, should be fun 😃


That's the one! really pleased with it as it has pretty much everything except the nose so can't complain really.

were there different versions/marks over the manufacture period as on mine the pedal box is different to the manual and the dash bit as you say too!?

I will get my build thread started after the weekend and get the manual read before starting the strip down ready for powdercoat on the frame and subframe


Well-known member
Great to have another build going on the forum. Are you going to go through the IVA process and get your buggy on the road?

You seem to have got a bit of a survivor buggy there, not molested, stored well, mostly intact at a bargain basement, good value price. 😃

Not only were there different versions there were a couple of different outfits that put these together. All background information should be available in the forum. That pedal box is the one you are after. The floor mounted version takes up much room in the passenger foot well.

If you need any info we are a few and friendly bunch so get in touch.

The nose cone is an issue, has the previous owner really mis-laid it as the rest of it looks pretty good. I am sure it must be somewhere in his workshop. Like Alan said not the end of the world but worth finding as it is probably in good condition if he still has it.

See my build for some inspiration.... I think mine was the 3rd to go through IVA when it was really only designed to go through SVA when there were a huge amounts of old classic minis being scrapped. Now days, parts are super expensive but eBay throws up some gems so get some custom searches going to collect parts.



Staff member
It's quite a late one of Dave Smarts having the dash rail & pendulum brake box, you may want to fully build it before you strip it & send to powder coat, nothing worse that suddenly realising you need another bracket welding on after you've paid for the powder coating. Fuel tank, contactable edges & hand brake are your hurdles if you're going for IVA.


Well-known member
Ah yes the hand brake brackets you advised me on Alan. All good knowledge as they did flex quite a bit. Good shout.

As below.

Screenshot_20230822-213153883 (1).jpg


It's quite a late one of Dave Smarts having the dash rail & pendulum brake box, you may want to fully build it before you strip it & send to powder coat, nothing worse that suddenly realising you need another bracket welding on after you've paid for the powder coating. Fuel tank, contactable edges & hand brake are your hurdles if you're going for IVA.

Thanks for the heads up I haven't got any knowledge/experience of SVA or what goes into it so I guess it will be better to build it up fully first like you say with engine and everything in to get the engine covers and everything in place...I will do that for sure!

what can be the issue with the hand brake?

What do you guys recommend as the best solution is for the fuel tank? it has got what I guess to be the original one behind the seats is this the best solution but made of aluminium or are there better solutions for them anyone has found?


Great to have another build going on the forum. Are you going to go through the IVA process and get your buggy on the road?

You seem to have got a bit of a survivor buggy there, not molested, stored well, mostly intact at a bargain basement, good value price. 😃

Not only were there different versions there were a couple of different outfits that put these together. All background information should be available in the forum. That pedal box is the one you are after. The floor mounted version takes up much room in the passenger foot well.

If you need any info we are a few and friendly bunch so get in touch.

The nose cone is an issue, has the previous owner really mis-laid it as the rest of it looks pretty good. I am sure it must be somewhere in his workshop. Like Alan said not the end of the world but worth finding as it is probably in good condition if he still has it.

See my build for some inspiration.... I think mine was the 3rd to go through IVA when it was really only designed to go through SVA when there were a huge amounts of old classic minis being scrapped. Now days, parts are super expensive but eBay throws up some gems so get some custom searches going to collect parts.

My plan is to do IVA and get it on the a guess it will end up on a Q plate as I don't have the purchase evidence of the kit and I guess that is part of the puzzle to get an age related plate?

I am going to get into the history and background as much as I can as I like to find out as much as I can about something I'm getting into so I can do a proper job on it.

I was going to leave the nose cone for as late as I can in case one comes up, I decide to try and make something or try and borrow one and get it moulded and get some made as they are so rare it wouldn't be a bad idea to do that.....that would be my preferred option so I will wait and see what I can do.

I will be going through the member builds too for some inspiration I have got a rough idea what I want but I need to see what has been done in the past to see if it is possible or not what I might have in mind.

I will start splitting my questions and get my own build thread started so to keep everything in the right place on the forum!

Thanks for the warm welcome it's much appreciated to you all.....


Well-known member
There are ways around the paper work, for registration...

If you are ok with a Q then no problem. but if you want an age related plate or a private plate get in touch etc. I can point you in the right direction.


There are ways around the paper work, for registration...

If you are ok with a Q then no problem. but if you want an age related plate or a private plate get in touch etc. I can point you in the right direction.

great thanks I will more than likely be asking about that in the near future


Active member
Welcome Ross_B !! - Looking forward to seeing the build progress and as 250buggys has said Read the IVA manual, its your buggy building bible! going through it a few times before ripping into the build and will it will save you a lot of headaches later :)


Thanks...I downloaded the PDF earlier and I was going to start into it sometime over the weekend and see what is in there that makes sense and what doesn't!

hopefully it's quite straight forward but I know what the DVLA are like with their documents........!

looking forward to the build though just something different that hopefully I can do at home in the garage without too much fuss


On the forum which section is best for starting a new build thread for a freestyle?

I am new this this thread stuff tbh and just a bit of guidance would be VERY helpful to get my build thread started and how to add photos etc.

and then when a build thread is started and I have questions that match the other forum thread posts (interior, chassis etc) is it best to ask individual questions on there outside of my full build thread?

Thanks all
