Stoneleigh and Newark KIT CAR SHOWS 2022


Staff member
Dear Clubs

After a long battle trying to secure Stoneleigh for 2022 I have finally managed to get a contract sorted that works for us to be able to keep the UK’s longest running Kit Car Show going again. So I am pleased to attach the booking forms for both Stoneleigh and Newark. We have the old blocks available this year so we will be reverting back to a pre covid layout and I will be allowing clubs the opportunity to rebook the site they had in 2019/2020 for Stoneleigh, and the site in 2020 they had booked for Newark.

I must also add that we are have changed the pricing for the first time in 25 years of running the event, but with increased costs everyone needs to chip in to help us keep the show viable and alive, we will still be giving club sites for FREE but all kit car drivers will be charged £5 entry and passengers £15, discounted tickets for camping for kit car and non-kit cars will be on our websites this week and this money will be spent on site costs and evening entertainment etc.

The following statement only applies to Kit Car Manufacturers that trade on club sites whilst not having a presence in the exhibition hall. As of Stoneleigh 2022 onwards we will NOT be allowing any club to book a club site if the manufacturer of that specific kit doesn’t take a space within the main exhibition hall, I know the majority of clubs that cars are still purchasable are fair to this and do have a presence but I also know a few that just do not want to spend money on exhibition space but are willing to trade for free off a club site. If I or any of my staff catch this at any of our events that club will be asked to leave with immediate effect.I have to do this because for the show to keep going on we need every one in the industry to support the only 2 Kit Car Shows left in the UK! A single stand at Stoneleigh is only £340 plus VAT with Newark at a favourable discount if both are booked, we have to pay for carpeting walling, hiring the ground and all the other costs involved trust me the list is endless! And this year every manufacturer that books on will get a paid promotion with photos and links to their websites paid by us on our National Kit Car Shows Facebook page.

I hope all is well with you all and look forward to getting you booked on, and seeing you all at Stoneleigh and Newark this year. Evening entertainment will be a staged gig going into the night, with Complete Kit Car sponsoring the Bands.


Peter Slater


Staff member
Stoneleigh Kit Car details


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Staff member
We haven't bothered with a stand this year like we didn't last year, but we'll find somewhere to park up, it's so disorganised they'll never know. Danny & I will be arriving sometime on Saturday, we never arrange a time as we're coming from totally different directions & things happen, but we will be there before dark.

It will be a evening meal in a pub somewhere & then camping overnight, breakfast in the cafe, seeing the show & then another meal in another/same pub Sunday night, camping, breakfast & then more than likely away lunchtime(ish) on Monday. I have to get back & get Britney ready for the IVA fail on the Tuesday, hopefully there will be a trailer on my drive when I get back

If you come along hunt us out, if you want a mobile number send a PM to either Danny or I for our numbers.