Just out of interest, does anybody know what can and what can't be driven on the motorway, for example a quadzilla rl300? Only does 50mph max I think. What's the cut off? Is it based on cc? Top speed?
Obviously the buggy needs to be fully road legal, taxed, tested and insured but what if it's 150cc and only does 40mph top speed, goes without saying it would be ridiculously stupid to drive it on a motorway ,but is it legal? There are conflicting reports all over the net so if anyone can provide proof this may help.
Obviously the buggy needs to be fully road legal, taxed, tested and insured but what if it's 150cc and only does 40mph top speed, goes without saying it would be ridiculously stupid to drive it on a motorway ,but is it legal? There are conflicting reports all over the net so if anyone can provide proof this may help.